Announcement of electronic vote to listserv Oct 2015

Dear DA leaders,
In May, the DPCA Global Meeting referred seven proposed resolutions to the DPCA Resolutions Committee due to a lack of time to consider and vote on them during the face-to-face meeting.
On Tuesday, as previously announced, the DPCA Resolutions Committee held a session to consider amendments to those resolutions and allow for discussion of all seven resolutions. As a result of that session, the Resolutions Committee amended the texts of two of the resolutions. The final texts are attached to this message.
The two amended resolutions are:
• Resolution to Establish a Residence-Based Taxation Task Force
• Resolution for Simplified Tax Filing for Americans abroad who simply don’t owe any U.S. Income Tax
The five remaining resolutions are:
• Resolution in support of efforts to Minimize and Challenge Political Gerrymanders
• Resolution in support of making Election Day a Nationwide Public Holiday    
• Resolution to increase opportunities and reduce confusion in Bidding for Global Meetings
• Resolution to Strengthen Diplomacy
• Resolution in favor of equal Civil Rights for Americans living in Territories of the United States
The Resolutions Committee encourages all DPCA members to listen to the discussion from Tuesday’s session. The session may be streamed using the following link:
The Resolutions Committee also invites DA’s leaders to make a case for or against the adoption of any of the seven resolutions by posting to the DPCA-Leadership listserv.
The electronic vote (under DA Charter Section 3.8) will be open to DPCA members of Country Committees currently in compliance, between October 5and October 7.
Voting will be conducted via SurveyMonkey and will not be anonymous. Detailed instructions for voting will be distributed by Julia Bryan, International Secretary. For each of the seven resolutions, there will be three possible choices -  YES (to adopt),  NO and ABSTAIN.
Thank you to all who participated in this process, particularly by authoring resolutions, submitting amendments, and attending the WebEx session this week.
Will Bakker
Secretary, DPCA Resolutions Committee
Susan Vaillant
Chair, DPCA Resolutions Committee
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